The Whisper of Tulips

So a week or so ago I had the privilege of going to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival with a few friends. It was really beautiful and there were so many different colors of tulips. It was a bright and sunny day, just perfect for pictures. 

   As I was walking down the rows watching the colors of the flowers change along the way, one of the colors stood out to me. There was a patch of very deep purple tulips that caught my eye. They were called, "Queen of the night." My first instinct said, "They look like death," but, as I stared at them, my mind started to run away with them. It was as if I could hear God speaking through them. 

   In the field there were so many bright colored tulips. Everyone was taking pictures with the other colors, but no one really stopped for these ones. They were nicknamed, "Nightmare tulips." I imagined these tulips to feel lonely and sad, waiting for someone to stop for them, yet the people just kept walking. Too often people only look skin deep, neglecting what lies within. They would walk right past without a second thought. 

   It's a very strange place, my imagination. I began to see myself in these tulips. I saw the old me....the lost me. The me that didn't care if I lived or died. The me that just wanted someone to care. The me that wanted someone to think I was important and special. The me before I had Jesus in my life.

   I looked at them and I couldn't help but smile. In these tulips I could see how much Jesus loves me. They made me so thankful that Jesus had saved me. The one who doesn't deserve it and the one who used to go unnoticed. I wanted to tell those flowers that Jesus loves them and that everything was going to be ok.

   I know they're just flowers and that's a silly thought, but I couldn't help but think it. It was like God showed me His heart for the lost and the broken. He showed me the love that He has even for the people who go unnoticed much like these tulips. 

   I'm not sure why I saw all this in a simple little patch of flowers, but I found such beauty in them. I was also able to see how far I've come. I was able to see how much I've grown. I was able to see how different my life is from what it used to be. I felt such strong love in those flowers. That's why they were my favorite. They might be, "Nightmare tulips" to some people, but they're "Daydream tulips" to me.


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